Last updated on May 26, 2020
Web design can be easy and fun. I currently run two websites. One is a game site and the other is professional. For both sites I chose Joomla as the content management system. The reasons I chose Joomla are numerous. The layouts are changeable. The content is easy to load, update, and manage and I can choose my own color scheme, text fonts and sizes. This system is also best when choosing a medical website design that resonates with patients.
The layout of a webpage is most important. This is what your readers will see and immediately judge upon loading your website. If it can’t be read, is hard to understand, or the links to other pages cannot be found, your reader will go elsewhere to find the information.
Likewise, you want enough space between sections so the readers can easily identify where everything is. Under no circumstances do you want text sections to cross over into other sections. There should be at least three to four pixels of “white pace” between each section.
Color Scheme
You want a color scheme that is easy on the eyes. This means the majority of the page should be in neutral colors such as white, off-white, tan, beige, grey, and other light colors. Darker accent colors can be used to highlight special areas such as the menu bars, titles, and headers.
Your text and information should be large enough and in a color that is contrasting enough to be read at a glance. You do not want your readers squinting at the text on your website.
Instant Audio And Video
Having audio, music or video instantly loading and playing on a webpage is obnoxious to many web users. If you want to have audio or video on your website, do not trigger it to auto play. Give your viewers the option to turn it on themselves. Likewise, if you insist on having videos on your website that do auto play, make sure your users can immediately find the buttons to turn it off or they may just turn off your website.
Keep in mind when designing your website it must be readable. Text has to be large enough and in a color that can be easily read. Keep the backgrounds neutral. If you have to have dark or bold colors, use them as accents for the headers, links, and side menus. That last thing you want is for your readers to immediately get eyestrain upon loading your page.
Also do not assault your viewers with loud noises, music or videos. Your readers know what they are looking for and if they want to view or listen to those items, given them the option to turn them on at their leisure. No one wants to have a webpage scream at them.