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Is It Beneficial Or Harmful To Take Cbd Overdose?

Last updated on January 2, 2021

What is CBD?

Cannabidiol or CBD is found in the cannabis Sativa plant as one of the 100 chemical compounds along with many elements. CBD is known for its amazing healing property which help in treating many common ailments such as anxiety, depression, stress, pain, and inflammation. Unlike tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, CBD consumption doesn’t make the user high and it also helps to keep the individual fresh and energized. CBD is now available in many different forms like CBD tinctures, edibles, oils, gummies, serums, lotions, and many others. These days, CBD products have taken a separate place in the medical industry and it has been increasing rapidly since many of the nations have legalized medical and recreational use in the regions.

Is it possible to take an overdose of CBD?

As mentioned, Cannabinoid or CBD can be consumed in multiple ways however it becomes important to know in how much amount and in which way consumption will be more beneficial. Consuming more than 20,000 mg can be taken as toxic to the human body system. CBD comes in a variety of methods but taking excessive some products like gels, gummies, and oils can be very harmful to the endocannabinoid system or ECS in the human body. It is evident to say, that an excessive amount of everything and anything can be toxic and harmful especially when it comes to such complex functioning as of a human body. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the consensus among professionals state that overdose CBD consumption can cause many disorienting side-effects to a human body.

When an individual consumes CBD in extremely large doses then the cannabinoid which is known for its non-psychoactive feature can cause extreme lethargy, upset stomach, drowsiness, nausea, and many other unpleasant and discomforting side-effects however not death. Unlike many other medical substances, sometimes consuming 20000 mg of CBD is not widely considered to be lethal however, some reports showed some side-effects of consuming this amount.   Many medical studies have concluded interesting findings by the World Health Organization (WHO) from a 2011 study, which are:

  • Cannabinoid or CBD can lead to many hormonal changes; still, these findings are unclear.
  • Consuming large doses of CBD affects tumor cells, but it has very little effect on non-tumor cells.
  • Few medical research shows that overdosing on CBD does not affect embryonic development.
  • Overdosage can lead to drug interactions, but this study is also not very clear.
  • It can make the person sleepy, very tired, and lethargic.

There are many ways in which CBD can be consumed such as vaping, swallowing, inhaling, or applying directly to the skin however knowing the right way and right amount is always necessary. One can go for overdosing but only after the medical prescriptions or according to any prior health condition which requires overdosage. CBD is indeed a non-toxic substance but consuming more of such medication can also cause many side-effects like poor concentration, increased levels of anxiety, and stress levels.

As of now, there are no solidified medical studies that can confirm the benefits or harms of CBD overdosage. Consuming an excessive amount of cannabinoids may not cause any side-effect in certain cases however in many cases it may cause the individual to feel energyless, nauseous, or uncomfortable for the whole day and can affect the sleep schedules also. Despite all these side-effects it has not been concluded yet about killing the consumers or otherwise harm the healthy lifestyle. Though CBD is not dangerous or addictive, still it becomes important to use it responsibly.

To know more about the side –effects and benefits of CBD and its overdose, visit the site: