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Best Knee Braces for Hiking

Using knee braces for hiking reduces the strain on your lower legs and makes the walk easier. Anyone who has ever felt pain after going for a hike should consider investing in the best knee braces for their specific need. There are a few different types of knee braces that are the best for hiking.

Best Knee Braces for Hiking
Jumper’s Knee Braces

Braces for jumper’s knee takes the form of a cap that fits over your knee and offer support behind the leg. Jumper’s knee is a condition caused by strain on the tendon in the knee, which worsens when more pressure is placed on the knee during a hike. These braces typically look like a cloth strap that stays closed by an attached Velcro piece. The advantage is that the braces come in different sizes for the perfect fit. Additionally you can use the knee brace with a leg warmer or pair of flannel pants in the winter months when the pain worsens.

Best Knee Braces for Hiking

Rough Terrain Braces

This type of knee brace works if you plan on hiking in rough areas or in harsh terrain, but also in areas where the terrain changes. Some hikers also prefer using them in situations where they’re afraid of losing their balance or falling. These braces look like knee caps and are made to mimic the look of the lower leg for a better and more comfortable fit. The braces are extremely lightweight, but contain an outer covering that protects the skin in case of a fall. You can easily slide one of these braces inside your backpack in case you need it later. These braces are typically worn underneath shorts, but are often too tight for wearing on top of clothes.

Best Knee Braces for Hiking

Dual Action Knee Braces

Dual action knee braces are the ones used most often by hikers and available from a wide variety of shops, including mass merchandise stores like Wal-Mart and sporting goods stores. These look similar to an elastic bandage, with the brace fitting over the upper part and lower part of the knee, while the knee is open. The braces are best if you’re currently suffering from an injury or if you’ve had an injury in the recent past. The braces work when worn underneath the clothes or above the clothes. The braces are available from a variety of different retailers, including the Ace bandage company, which makes them in different sizes and for both men and women.